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Teaching Kids About Home Motion

Just as homes are becoming "smart homes", kids are becoming "smart kids".

The more they learn about technology, the more they'll be able to understand your home automation systems. Why not start early and teach them about home motion?

In this article, we'll take a look at a few ways in which you can achieve exactly that.

Starting Small

When teaching children, it helps to start small and build up from there. Show them how you can control the blinds in the kitchen with a click on your Connexoon Window RTS app. This basic show of control and convenience should be easy for children to understand: if you click A, B happens.


Build Up

Now that they have a basic understanding of home automation - or at least one aspect of it - you can build from there. Show them that you can control the kitchen blinds from the lounge or from your workplace. Talk to them about how a schedule can be placed on the blinds in their bedroom for when they wake up in the morning.

From here, you can tell them about the environmental sensors that many people choose to include in their home automation systems. These sensors let blinds, awnings and roller shutters analyse and adapt to the outside environment. This means that on a hot day, they will close to keep the cool air in, whereas, on a chilly day, they will stay open to let the sunshine warm up the home.

Many children are visual learners, so if you show them what the sensors look like, it is more likely that they will understand.


Children love asking why, and so you should be prepared for it. "Why do we have the sensors?" "Why is it automated?"

There are a few ways to respond.


It's simply easier on the whole family when the system is automated. Having fewer things to worry about creates a seamless morning ritual, something every family can benefit from.


Home automated systems offer a superior level of safety that traditional approaches simply don't. They are cordless and hassle-free, which means that your children aren't at risk.

You can also tell your child that the schedule makes it look like somebody is always home, making your home safer. However, be careful with this approach. Make sure that your child is old enough to understand - you wouldn't want to scare them into thinking that their home isn't safe.

Going Green

Most importantly, home automation systems can help you build a greener home. The opportunity for  energy savings means that your carbon footprint is significantly decreased - something that is important to instil in your children from an early age.


Home automation is the way of the future. If you or your children have any questions for us about our wonderful products or about how to teach children about home automation, we can help you out - obtain a quote today.

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