Connexoon RTS App是一種控制窗簾和窗飾的新方法。享受手機控制的Somfy電動窗簾,深度體驗科技帶來的益處:燈光管理,隱私保護和生活便利。 所有RTS電動設備,如窗簾,投影幕等,一切盡在掌控之中。家居升級,生活從未如此簡單!
預先設定開啟或關閉家中窗簾時間的, 適時模擬有人在家的場景。
The Connexoon Window RTS solution app, the new way to enjoy your windows. Somfy motorise and connect all types of interior window coverings. In one touch on your app, control your blinds, and curtains. The only thing you have left to do is to relax and enjoy the view. Our Somfy experts are willing to help you at every step of the installation.
Switching to motorised and connected blinds is easy! Somfy motorises all type of connected blinds and curtains ; and Connexoon Window RTS connects them to your smartphone. Ask your Somfy installer for advice to motorise and connect curtains and blinds.
Enjoy every minute of your life without having to think of your equipment thanks to the Connexoon Window RTS app. In one touch on your smartphone controls all your curtains and blinds. Ask your Somfy installer for advice to upgrade your existing installation.
Somfy Connexoon Window RTS App 操作簡單、易於使用。你只需動動手指頭,就能夠隨時隨地輕鬆透過智能手機控制由Somfy產品驅動的窗飾及照明系統。
你可以觀看短片,了解設置Connexoon RTS 及配對產品的方法。
親身感受最方便和舒適的生活模式,體驗居家智能門窗自動化管理方案 。